I just sat through an hour of sheer torture. Intonjana is a traditional Xhosa play that went on for what felt like hours and hours... *all for the love of art, or what resembles art*. The show was about the ritual of bringing a Xhosa girl into Intonjana (a female initiate) through dance, music and indigenous movement. The play began with a brief segment of dialogue followed by howling and stomping that, with proper directing could have been been cut to a couple of minutes instead of an unbearable hour. My mind began to wonder, naturally and thought, well maybe I'm just not the target market, but then again last night I watched another show, physical theatre which was new to me but because it was so beautifully executed I simply loved it.
Ok, it wasn't all bad. At some stage though, the performing group did show talent when they eventually changed the dance moves. That was a classic case of raw, undirected talent. *the pain we endure*
"A few observation and much reasoning lead to error; many observations and a little reasoning to truth."
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Saturday, June 18, 2011
Cuts through the wall of ‘I DON’T CARE’
Melts the iron gate of ‘I am strong’
Shatters the glass of ‘you are not wanted’
It slithers through the lies of ‘well you don’t really mean it’
It just demolishes the walls, bounds and fences built over the years to protect…
Reverses the curse of ‘you are not wanted’
The Word of God says life and death are in the tongue
Meaning the wages of words spoken in truth are Life and Confidence for the recipient
They are a promise of hope
A crack of dawn
The fall of rain in times of drought
Or assurance when in doubt
Moves the mountains that lie ahead of you
Is a reminder that your suffering was not in vain
Is that crack which light seeps through in your deepest darkest darkness
Does I. LOVE. YOU mean so much because it means much or does it mean much because I want it to mean much?
Maybe I’m just desperate for I. LOVE. YOU that I turned an anthill into a mountain
Of course ladies and gentlemen
That was the voice of doubt
A voice so familiar to my spirit
It questions EVERYTHING that is good, any speck of positive there is, it diminishes and at times it quenches what little spark of happy there is. And here it is again questioning whether I. LOVE. YOU came from a place that is true.
And as usual I stopped to think and question and wonder. . .
What if?
What if?
What if you did not mean it when you said I. LOVE. YOU?
Then this time I was like @#%* it…
Even if it didn’t mean much, it did to me.
You see, I’ve not only read I. LOVE. YOU on my facebook wall but
I’ve seen it in your eyes, I’ve heard it in your voice, I’ve felt it in your embrace, I’ve sensed it in your smile,
Above all I know it by your actions
So actually, you’ve been spelling I. LOVE. YOU in my life one letter at a time and now it’s engraved in my heart
From me to you . . .
Monday, June 13, 2011
Celebrity is Overrated
My younger sister once barged into my room half elated and the other half was annoyed. I gave her the 'child get to the point or walk out' loo k with my eyebrow twitched. "Yoh guess what..." They had just come from Maponya mall with her friend. They were in a certain store and suddenly the world come to a sudden halt, *background music*, in walked Connie Masilo Ferguson and her husband Shona Ferguson. The thrill in her voice as she told me this was enough to give me a rush for "days". They went up to the couple and said hello. "Shona is so nice hey, he spoke to us" she told me, but her face changed when she spoke about Connie or Karabo as she referred to her. "She is soo rude". For the first time in this conversation I stood up and listened eagerly waiting to hear what the great Karabo Moroka had done wrong. "She just said hi and walked past. She didn't even talk to us". *blank stare* I tried to play devil's advocate and told her that "well maybe she was in a hurry, or she was busy or..." but her mind was made. Karabo Moroka is rude and there was nothing I could say to convince her otherwise.
We often confuse what people are famous for with who they really are. And when you finally meet them and they do not meet your expectations or hear something that is out of character according to the romantic perception you had about them, you feel offended. The older you become (this of course is in reference to my younger sister), you will have different types of relations with people and will at some stage realise (hopefully) that there is a big difference between the great work that people do and who they really are. Whether it's celebrities, teachers/lecturers or just that cool guy in your class who always gets straight A's.
She is sixteen now and apart from the hopes of meeting Justine Bieber and being cast in the next High School Musical, she is a little less gullible. She has learned that great singer doesn't mean great person.
Friend or fan?
We have to understand that people are in our lives for different reasons. We seem to know that in theory but it baffles us in reality. Or it baffles me rather. I have come to learn (countless times) that there are people who love me for who I am and those who love me for what I can do. As soon as one decides to tone down on even or stop whatever it is they love about you. I kid you not, on top of the historic disappearances they are about to make, they will first look at you with great disappointment as if you promised them something. And then the classic change of direction as soon as you come their way, well maybe not that dramatic but you get the picture right?
When you love someone for what they have then you're a parasite correct? When you love someone for what they can do then you're a fan right? and if you love someone for who they are then you're a friend, or lover, or parent or or or...
So I guess it's on you to identify who is who in your life. Although at times fans might come in the form of friends, there are seasons in your life where everything that is not true to YOU whithers away.
When you love someone for what they have then you're a parasite correct? When you love someone for what they can do then you're a fan right? and if you love someone for who they are then you're a friend, or lover, or parent or or or...
So I guess it's on you to identify who is who in your life. Although at times fans might come in the form of friends, there are seasons in your life where everything that is not true to YOU whithers away.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Just a pawn in the hate game?
If a person decides to take a gun and shoot someone, you wouldn't blame the gun for killing the person right?
A senior of mine called me and told me about a story that I needed to go and cover. The incident, which I cannot disclose at the moment was not really what I would call hard hitting but it was a story none the less. We arrived at the scene and I interviewed all the relevant people. On our way back he comes out with it..
He (my senior) tells me that he wants the story to be a big scandal. He continued to say that he wants to make sure that they (perpetrators) feel his wrath because they had a fall out in the past. He went on and on about how nervous the person I was interviewing was. It was at that point where I realised that hey, wait a minute...
I'm not properly in the profession yet and already I am being used as a decoy to settle vendettas. "Tit for tat" he said. He was honest enough to tell me straight to my face.
The story I was covering wasn't even newsworthy according to me. But then again I cannot feel entirely bad because I was just doing my job right? Well not tarnishing someones reputation but simply covering a story. Journalists in South Africa do not have a good image. A colleague sitting next to me just commented saying that the media destroyed Zola 7's reputation. Never mind the fact that he openly admitted to physically abusing his girlfriend and later denying it. But he still insists that the media is to blame. Then there is the love-hate relationship between the media and government were journalists have been labelled 'the imperial capitalist owned media' amongst many other names given by politicians. This was only one case but I wondered, how many phone calls am I going to receive about stories only to find out that I am just a pawn in a vicious game.
This weakens the analogy given above about blaming the gun for shooting someone. Although it is your job to report, it is still imperative to ensure that you investigate all sides of the story. Every story should be weighed against the news values that determine what makes a good story. And of course you should have the backbone to tell your boss that uhm, that story you want me to do is really not newsworthy ... *note to self*
A senior of mine called me and told me about a story that I needed to go and cover. The incident, which I cannot disclose at the moment was not really what I would call hard hitting but it was a story none the less. We arrived at the scene and I interviewed all the relevant people. On our way back he comes out with it..
He (my senior) tells me that he wants the story to be a big scandal. He continued to say that he wants to make sure that they (perpetrators) feel his wrath because they had a fall out in the past. He went on and on about how nervous the person I was interviewing was. It was at that point where I realised that hey, wait a minute...
I'm not properly in the profession yet and already I am being used as a decoy to settle vendettas. "Tit for tat" he said. He was honest enough to tell me straight to my face.
The story I was covering wasn't even newsworthy according to me. But then again I cannot feel entirely bad because I was just doing my job right? Well not tarnishing someones reputation but simply covering a story. Journalists in South Africa do not have a good image. A colleague sitting next to me just commented saying that the media destroyed Zola 7's reputation. Never mind the fact that he openly admitted to physically abusing his girlfriend and later denying it. But he still insists that the media is to blame. Then there is the love-hate relationship between the media and government were journalists have been labelled 'the imperial capitalist owned media' amongst many other names given by politicians. This was only one case but I wondered, how many phone calls am I going to receive about stories only to find out that I am just a pawn in a vicious game.
This weakens the analogy given above about blaming the gun for shooting someone. Although it is your job to report, it is still imperative to ensure that you investigate all sides of the story. Every story should be weighed against the news values that determine what makes a good story. And of course you should have the backbone to tell your boss that uhm, that story you want me to do is really not newsworthy ... *note to self*
Saturday, May 28, 2011
In your eyes I saw a young woman with a lot of heart
Her character bears strength, bravery and wisdom
A closer look reveals...
You at five. Innocent childhood stolen forever
Your life plunged into a spiraling darkness. Afraid! Confused! Angry!
Confused! Scared! Why? Why? Why me Lord?
Plagued by these emotions and questions for years
He took it, for months it was his and you were oh but a babe
At the tender age of ... .... never mind
Your smile exudes courage, a warm heart and contentment
Fading smile:
Misunderstood. Judged. Scorned. Bullied. Tossed to and Fro. Whispers as you walked on by. He says, she says. Now that you're stronger you're tempted to tell them, fuck you haters
Second Thought
Not worth the effort. Embrace them. Love them that hate you for naught
If kindness doesn't kill them, your success might just
... once carried burdens before they were properly developed
... once ridden by a body 5 times its size over and over
Zeal like a raging furnace that consumes anything that stands in its path. In your eyes I see battles won, demons slain, mountains conquered.
A shattered past overcome
Eyes Closed:
I feel your gratitude for the grace of God that carried you through
And through
And through
Clutched fists:
Fury and passion enveloped in your tiny fists, ready to protect all that was once stolen from you
With every fibre of your being, you fight to keep your dreams alive.
Always moving forward and pressing on
Close Eyes:
Open eyes:
I said to the mirror
In your eyes I saw a young woman with a lot of heart
Her character bears strength, bravery and wisdom
A closer look reveals...
You at five. Innocent childhood stolen forever
Your life plunged into a spiraling darkness. Afraid! Confused! Angry!
Confused! Scared! Why? Why? Why me Lord?
Plagued by these emotions and questions for years
He took it, for months it was his and you were oh but a babe
At the tender age of ... .... never mind
Your smile exudes courage, a warm heart and contentment
Fading smile:
Misunderstood. Judged. Scorned. Bullied. Tossed to and Fro. Whispers as you walked on by. He says, she says. Now that you're stronger you're tempted to tell them, fuck you haters
Second Thought
Not worth the effort. Embrace them. Love them that hate you for naught
If kindness doesn't kill them, your success might just
... once carried burdens before they were properly developed
... once ridden by a body 5 times its size over and over
Zeal like a raging furnace that consumes anything that stands in its path. In your eyes I see battles won, demons slain, mountains conquered.
A shattered past overcome
Eyes Closed:
I feel your gratitude for the grace of God that carried you through
And through
And through
Clutched fists:
Fury and passion enveloped in your tiny fists, ready to protect all that was once stolen from you
With every fibre of your being, you fight to keep your dreams alive.
Always moving forward and pressing on
Close Eyes:
Open eyes:
I said to the mirror
An sms from Pam
The sin of being too busy? More like the lust of being Superwoman or miss Incredible!! I chucked some things off my plate... now I'm a bit bored *sigh* Hope you're fairing better. miss you ((HUG)) That's for days when it all gets too much. I love you
Ok, everything after the words fairing better is not entirely relevant. But it was quite comforting to know that I am not the only one in that predicament. When you're doing too much you start sinking and when you 'do the right thing' and focus on a few or even one thing you feel mega bored.
It's good to be passionate but I have found that trying to swallow an elephant all at once has left me with a few unwanted kilo's. Too much drive and hunger at times blinds a person especially if your drive is motivated by perhaps an environment you are trying to change or get away from.
Of course the double standards around women in the workplace, women in power, women in male dominated positions or women in general who aspire to be more than a token wife for example don't make it any easier. This is probably the part where I start singing the woman empowerment song and condemning chauvinism and blaming the past, the system and absent fathers for this messed up world we're living in. But I'll skip that cue
But either or. Whether it's the sin of being too busy or the lust of being Superwoman. It beats rolling over and playing dead. Our society doesn't seem to be quite ready for women who want IT so you have to grow a pair, fist in the air and pierce your way there just like ...
Ok, everything after the words fairing better is not entirely relevant. But it was quite comforting to know that I am not the only one in that predicament. When you're doing too much you start sinking and when you 'do the right thing' and focus on a few or even one thing you feel mega bored.
It's good to be passionate but I have found that trying to swallow an elephant all at once has left me with a few unwanted kilo's. Too much drive and hunger at times blinds a person especially if your drive is motivated by perhaps an environment you are trying to change or get away from.
Of course the double standards around women in the workplace, women in power, women in male dominated positions or women in general who aspire to be more than a token wife for example don't make it any easier. This is probably the part where I start singing the woman empowerment song and condemning chauvinism and blaming the past, the system and absent fathers for this messed up world we're living in. But I'll skip that cue
But either or. Whether it's the sin of being too busy or the lust of being Superwoman. It beats rolling over and playing dead. Our society doesn't seem to be quite ready for women who want IT so you have to grow a pair, fist in the air and pierce your way there just like ...
Friday, May 27, 2011
Is oil thicker than blood?
janbanning.com |
The family of the late photographer Anton Hammerl who was killed in Libya and the South African media are mourning his death for more reasons than one. Hammerl went missing in Libya and was reported dead several weeks later.
In a statement released in the last week of April in the Star, Cooperation Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane was quoted as saying that the South African government had proof that he was alive. http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/Anton-Hammerl-was-shot-in-Libyan-desert-20110520. This turned out to be untrue after news of his death were brought to the family. Hammerl is reported to have died on the 5th of April by journalists who were freed from Libya, later the International Relations and Co-operation spokesperson Clayson Monyela denied the report saying; "That issue of the minister's quote was not captured correctly." The family have since written a letter to President Jacob Zuma requesting him to return with his body.
In a statement released in the last week of April in the Star, Cooperation Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane was quoted as saying that the South African government had proof that he was alive. http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/Anton-Hammerl-was-shot-in-Libyan-desert-20110520. This turned out to be untrue after news of his death were brought to the family. Hammerl is reported to have died on the 5th of April by journalists who were freed from Libya, later the International Relations and Co-operation spokesperson Clayson Monyela denied the report saying; "That issue of the minister's quote was not captured correctly." The family have since written a letter to President Jacob Zuma requesting him to return with his body.
news.za.msn.com |
This is also a blow to the gut for aspiring journalists, some of which have expressed their discontent with the way the government handled the situation. They feel the government did not put enough preasure on the Libyan government to come out with the truth in time.
Although one might argue that people die in the line of duty all the time, his death has sparked a few questions in the minds of some South Africans. Are journalists taken seriously in the country? And the most controvercial of the lot not only to South Africans, has oil become thicker than blood?
Although one might argue that people die in the line of duty all the time, his death has sparked a few questions in the minds of some South Africans. Are journalists taken seriously in the country? And the most controvercial of the lot not only to South Africans, has oil become thicker than blood?
Pulled over with an ak47
It's past 3am and we were just pulled over by the police, normal sounding right? Wrong. One of the police officers had a gun pointed at us.
He did not have to shout 'freeze' because the car we were traveling in was a few degrees short of fridge temperature, so that part was pretty much covered. If the police weren't on such a killing spree I would not be alarmed. I was sleeping in the back seat and woke up suddenly when the car stopped. I lifted my head and the first thing I saw was a police officer with an ak47..
Now I've been reading, hearing, and reporting about some of the police brutality incidents that have been happening around the country. So you can imagine the horror movie that went through my mind right there and then.
All these tragic and fatal occurrences have exposed the very thin line between fear and respect. Although General Bheki Cele has openly condemned the killing of police officers but has had little to say about police officers killing civilians.
I guess it is a case of, when a dog bites a man it's no big deal but when a man bites a dog it is a catastrophe that should not be ignored.
He did not have to shout 'freeze' because the car we were traveling in was a few degrees short of fridge temperature, so that part was pretty much covered. If the police weren't on such a killing spree I would not be alarmed. I was sleeping in the back seat and woke up suddenly when the car stopped. I lifted my head and the first thing I saw was a police officer with an ak47..
Now I've been reading, hearing, and reporting about some of the police brutality incidents that have been happening around the country. So you can imagine the horror movie that went through my mind right there and then.
image from cracked.com |
I guess it is a case of, when a dog bites a man it's no big deal but when a man bites a dog it is a catastrophe that should not be ignored.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
My Freedom day
My freedom day was spent alone in the comfort of my own zone, the comfort of my home. Why? Because I have the freedom to do so
My freedom day was spent alone in the comfort of my own zone, the comfort of my home. Why? Because I have the freedom to do so
Most of my freedom day I spent curled up in bed. No radio, TV, Newspaper or Internet.
There was no moment where I was reminiscent of the price that was paid or bloodshed for my freedom, no moment where I was nostalgic about a past struggle that I was not a part of
My freedom day was peaceful man. In fact, at some stage I forgot that it was Freedom day.
Call me ungrateful, inconsiderate or even ignorant.
Typical born free perhaps.... History is only what I have read and heard about
I can only judge what now is based on what once was
My country is celebrating 17 years of democracy, a milestone in deed.
Its 17:00, I need to prepare for my show, I finally switch on the radio and go on the Internet and there it was... In my face
Hate speech trial
Police brutality
Racial Slurs
Lack of tolerance towards leaders in minority parties-booing them
My South Africa
My democracy of only 17 years
I guess it’s to be expected and understood, like a rebellious adolescent teenager trying t o find their way, struggling their way through, hitting walls from time to time.
We have to understand and tolerate those who still don’t understand or tolerate others
Politically free? Yes. Economically free? Debatable
My freedom day was exactly that... MINE
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