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Saturday, May 28, 2011

An sms from Pam

The sin of being too busy? More like the lust of being Superwoman or miss Incredible!! I chucked some things off my plate... now I'm a bit bored *sigh*  Hope you're fairing better.  miss you  ((HUG))  That's for days when it all gets too much.  I love you

Ok, everything  after the words fairing better is not entirely relevant.  But it was quite comforting to know that I am not the only one in that predicament.  When you're doing too much you start sinking and when you 'do the right thing' and focus on a few or even one thing you feel mega bored.

It's good to be passionate but I have found that trying to swallow an elephant all at once has left me with a few unwanted kilo's.  Too much drive and hunger at times blinds a person especially if your drive is motivated by perhaps an environment you are trying to change or get away from.

Of course the double standards around women in the workplace, women in power, women in male dominated positions or women in general who aspire to be more than a token wife for example don't make it any easier.   This is probably the part where I start singing the woman empowerment song and condemning chauvinism and blaming the past, the system and absent fathers for this messed up world we're living in.  But I'll skip that cue

But either or.  Whether it's the sin of being too busy or the lust of being Superwoman.  It beats rolling over and playing dead.  Our society doesn't seem to be quite ready for women who want IT so you have to grow a pair, fist in the air and pierce your way there just like ...

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