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Saturday, June 18, 2011


Cuts through the wall of ‘I DON’T CARE’
Melts the iron gate of ‘I am strong’
Shatters the glass of ‘you are not wanted’
It slithers through the lies of ‘well you don’t really mean it’
It just demolishes the walls, bounds and fences built over the years to protect…
Reverses the curse of ‘you are not wanted’
The Word of God says life and death are in the tongue
Meaning the wages of words spoken in truth are Life and Confidence for the recipient
They are a promise of hope
A crack of dawn
The fall of rain in times of drought
Or assurance when in doubt
Moves the mountains that lie ahead of you
Is a reminder that your suffering was not in vain
Is that crack which light seeps through in your deepest darkest darkness

Does I. LOVE. YOU mean so much because it means much or does it mean much because I want it to mean much?
Maybe I’m just desperate for I. LOVE. YOU that I turned an anthill into a mountain
Of course ladies and gentlemen
That was the voice of doubt
A voice so familiar to my spirit
It questions EVERYTHING that is good, any speck of positive there is, it diminishes and at times it quenches what little spark of happy there is.   And here it is again questioning whether I. LOVE. YOU came from a place that is true.
And as usual I stopped to think and question and wonder. . .
What if?
What if?
What if you did not mean it when you said I. LOVE. YOU?
Then this time I was like @#%* it…
Even if it didn’t mean much, it did to me.
You see, I’ve not only read I. LOVE. YOU on my facebook wall but
I’ve seen it in your eyes,  I’ve heard it in your voice, I’ve felt it in your embrace, I’ve sensed it in your smile,
Above all I know it by your actions
So actually, you’ve been spelling I. LOVE. YOU in my life one letter at a time and now it’s engraved in my heart
From me to you . . .


Monday, June 13, 2011

Celebrity is Overrated

                                          My younger sister once barged into my room half elated and the other half was annoyed.  I gave her the 'child get to the point or walk out' loo k with my eyebrow twitched.  "Yoh guess what..."  They had just come from Maponya mall with her friend.  They were in a certain store and suddenly the world come to a sudden halt, *background music*, in walked Connie Masilo Ferguson and her husband Shona Ferguson.  The thrill in her voice as she told me this was enough to give me a rush for "days".  They went up to the couple and said hello.  "Shona is so nice hey, he spoke to us" she told me, but her face changed when she spoke about Connie or Karabo as she referred to her.  "She is soo rude".  For the first time in this conversation I stood up and listened eagerly waiting to hear what the great Karabo Moroka had done wrong.  "She just said hi and walked past.  She didn't even talk to us".  *blank stare*  I tried to play devil's advocate and told her that "well maybe she was in a hurry, or she was busy or..." but her mind was made.  Karabo Moroka is rude and there was nothing I could say to convince her otherwise.

We often confuse what people are famous for with who they really are.  And when you finally meet them and they do not meet your expectations or hear something that is out of character according to the romantic perception you had about them, you feel offended.  The older you become (this of course is in reference to my younger sister), you will have different types of relations with people and will at some stage realise (hopefully) that there is a big difference between the great work that people do and who they really are.  Whether it's celebrities, teachers/lecturers or just that cool guy in your class who always gets straight A's. 
She is sixteen now and apart from the hopes of meeting Justine Bieber and being cast in the next High School Musical, she is a little less gullible.  She has learned that great singer doesn't mean great person. 

Friend or fan?

We have to understand that people are in our lives for different reasons.  We seem to know that in theory but it baffles us in reality. Or it baffles me rather.  I have come to learn (countless times) that there are people who love me for who I am and those who love me for what I can do.  As soon as one decides to tone down on even or stop whatever it is they love about you. I kid you not, on top of the historic disappearances they are about to make, they will first look at you with great disappointment as if you promised them something. And then the classic change of direction as soon as you come their way, well maybe not that dramatic but you get the picture right?

When you love someone for what they have then you're a parasite correct?  When you love someone for what they can do then you're a fan right? and if you love someone for who they are then you're a friend, or lover, or parent or or or...

So I guess it's on you to identify who is who in your life.  Although at times fans might come in the form of friends, there are seasons in your life where everything that is not true to YOU whithers away.