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Friday, July 1, 2011

That was just baaaaaaaaaad!

I just sat through an hour of sheer torture. Intonjana is a traditional Xhosa play that went on for what felt like hours and hours... *all for the love of art, or what resembles art*. The show was about the ritual of bringing a Xhosa girl into Intonjana (a female initiate) through dance, music and indigenous movement.  The play began with a brief segment of dialogue followed by howling and stomping that, with proper directing could have been been cut to a couple of minutes instead of an unbearable hour.  My mind began to wonder, naturally and thought, well maybe I'm just not the target market, but then again last night I watched another show, physical theatre which was new to me but because it was so beautifully executed I simply loved it.

Ok, it wasn't all bad. At some stage though, the performing group did show talent when they eventually changed the dance moves.  That was a classic case of raw, undirected talent.  *the pain we endure*

SuperMav3riQ trades in her cape for a scarf and a warm jacket and heads for the Arts Festival